USGA to start election events

The Undergraduate Student Government Association is hosting election events for its upcoming administration. Its Meet the Candidates events will be in the UC Spine on March 25 at 12:30 p.m. and April 2 at noon. Its Presidential Debate will take place in the Carl DeSantis Building Knight Auditorium on March 31 at 6 p.m.

Arun Jagarlamudi, senior biology major and executive vice president for the 37th NSU USGA, said the Meet the Candidates Tabling Event gives more opportunities for parties to spread awareness about their platforms, goals and initiatives.

Jagarlamudi said when he was running in previous elections, he felt they were very social events, such as candidates hosting boba drink giveaways, to attract attention.

Jagarlamudi said the event also typically has a slideshow that includes the candidates’ goals.

Suraj Doobay, senior political science major and USGA court justice officer, said it can get students acclimated and acquainted with the candidates.

“This can allow students to connect with each one of the candidates, talk about their issues and what really matters to them,” Doobay said. “It also allows the candidates to hear the voices of the students to better form their campaign to be molded into the interest of the students and for the students.”

Jagarlamudi said the Presidential Debate will give voters opportunities to see what the prospective president, executive vice president and chief financial officer have envisioned for what their party wants to do.

Varun Jagarlamudi, senior public health major, a USGA court justice officer and Arun Jagarlamudi’s brother, said all parties and independent candidates, as well those campaigning for president, executive vice president and chief financial officer, will be on stage and asked questions by a moderator and student panel.

“The candidates will answer the questions and it gives the candidates an opportunity, a platform to voice their concerns, what their party or individual person is running for, their values, beliefs and changes they want to make on campus,” Varun Jagarlamudi said.

Arun Jagarlamudi believes USGA represents all undergraduate students and said it listens to complaints, concerns, ideas and initiatives that students want to bring attention to.

“Our main goal is to represent all the dynamic student body and make sure we are that voice for that change,” Arun Jagarlamudi said.

Doobay believes that when students vote in the USGA elections, their concerns are raised through a democratic process wherein they elect candidates.

“Ultimately, the Undergraduate Student Government Association is a group of students who represent their fellow undergraduate bodies, whether it be through your year or the college you belong to, or if you’re a residential or commuter student,” Doobay said. “We have these positions within the undergraduate student government [which] are there to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard.”

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