The story behind Alex Hernández, Mako Radio’s station manager

Alex Hernández, senior double major in international studies and national security, is Mako Radio’s station manager. As DJ Sirena, she built her radio personality around her love of the ocean and mermaids. With the tagline “music from the seven seas,” she plays international music like k-pop, Latin rock and French folk.

“I’ve always loved mermaids as a little girl. I think they’re a symbol of empowerment and beauty and intelligence, but they’re also mysterious, and I like that about them. And even more so, as an adult, I just have never lost that wonder,” Hernández said.

Her love of mermaids also influenced her nonprofit organization Sirena’s Grotto, which provides hygiene products to those in need. Sirena’s Grotto also has a base in Colombia.

“It’s just what I’m super passionate about. I think everybody should feel clean, and how much more clean can a mermaid be? She’s always in the water,” Hernández said.

Hernández has been a DJ at Mako Radio for three years.

“I was a very passionate DJ and I trained under the last station manager. And I guess they saw some potential, and two years later, now I’m station manager,” Hernández said. “I’m really honored that I have that opportunity because it’s been just a blast.”

As the station manager, Hernández answers emails, books interviews and oversees the DJs within the station. She has also interviewed artists and celebrities, like Arts Fishing Club, Dayglow, HARIZ and John Cena.

“I’ve been able to create a really tight-knit community and brand identity for Mako Radio. We’re known as the diverse station. We play music from all types of artists, all types of singers, all types of people. And we have DJs from all backgrounds,” Hernández said.

Gabriela Alvarado, sophomore communication major, frequently worked with Hernández at Mako Radio.

“I wish everyone could have an Alex in their life. The energy and passion she carries is so powerful it truly inspired me to find my voice and a role in something as great as Mako Radio,” Alvarado said.

Brielle Aguayo, senior communication major and The Current’s art director, worked with Hernández on several interviews and took photos for her. Aguayo said Hernández is one of her biggest supporters of her photography.

“I have learned to be more confident in myself and I have learned to never give up, which is something that I’ve always struggled with, but Alex makes you feel like you can do it. She’s very sweet and kind,” Aguayo said.

In her spare time, Hernández likes reading, working with Sirena’s Grotto and serving at her church.

“We serve the community, giving them hygiene or food or prayer, like whatever they might need. And it kind of goes hand in hand with what I already do with my nonprofit, but I work with my church to also provide it,” Hernández said.

For those interested in Mako Radio, Hernández encourages them to visit the station in the Rosenthal building, Room 140.

“I really love this school, I hope that anybody who’s interested in the arts or maybe feels like they don’t have a place in the arts because they don’t know how to do art, they should try to get involved. There’s a space for you,” Hernández said. “I feel really honored to be attending NSU since we’re a Hispanic-serving institution. And as a Hispanic, I feel like I’ve gotten so many opportunities to show off that we can do so many things. We’re so cool.”

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