Sean Stanton, 2023 Student of the Year Overall, accepts
the STUEY from NSU President George L. Hanbury II.
The 26th annual Student Life Achievement Awards (STUEYs) will take place at 6 p.m. on April 9 in the Rose and Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts Center.
Founded in 1999, the STUEYs is an award show that celebrates all aspects of NSU’s community, including students, professors, executives and athletic teams.
Brad Williams, senior vice president for enrollment management and student affairs, encourages everyone to attend this year’s ceremony.
“One of the things that’s significant is it will be President Hanbury’s last STUEYs. He’s been there for all of them,” Williams said.
Williams, who co-hosted the first STUEYs, said that it’s now more student-oriented than when it started.
“I think it was probably around 2007 or 2008, we made the decision, let’s have students do it,” Williams said. “And so ever since then, we’ve had students co-host, and they play a much bigger role. It’s more fun. I think it’s always more fun when students are doing things.”
Shawnie Allen, senior exercise and sport science major, and external affairs director of the Undergraduate Student Government Association, is one of the co-hosts for this year’s STUEYs. Allen auditioned for the STUEYs because she wanted to leave a strong legacy at NSU.
“I was surprised I actually got it. But we do things that we are afraid to do, we overcome them,” Allen said. “I also won homecoming queen, and so homecoming queen and king are also the presenter of an award. So I have many roles in the STUEYs.”
USGA is nominated for the Student Government of the Year award. Manas Peddiboyina, senior public health major and USGA president, appreciates the nomination.
“It’s really cool to get recognition for all the hard work that USGA has put in this year. It means a lot to have been nominated for such a prestigious award,” Peddiboyina said. “I want to add that our fabulous adviser, Dean Gerard Wheeler, was nominated for Executive of the Year. As USGA, we’re super thankful to have such an amazing adviser in Gerard who’s always working tirelessly to make sure that we can actually have our voices heard.”
Williams is looking forward to seeing the NSU community come together for the event.
“You can’t help but feel good about the university when you go to a STUEYs. You see all of these people and they care so deeply. They bleed Shark Blue and it just makes you feel proud of being a Shark,” Williams said. “It’s the night of celebration for NSU. I hope it just goes on forever and ever and ever. Can you imagine the hundredth STUEYs?”
The STUEYs are open to everyone in the NSU community. Attendees can hear Mike Lynn, assistant director of Mako Media Network, as the voice-over announcer.
“I’ve been here at NSU for a while, so it is nice to see people that I have known for some time feel the positive energy with other nominees on stage,” Lynn said.
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