We talked to NSU students about their presence on campus, asking:
Is it important to vote in the USGA election?
“It's important to vote in these elections, and in any other election, because I believe that everybody has a voice. If they have the opportunity to project their voice and to have a say in what's going on in their community and the communities that surround, I think they should take that opportunity because you know all the change starts with the people, and if people all come together, have a certain vision in mind, they can make positive change," said Luca Parlato, senior marketing major.
“I think it is important because between two candidates, you can reflect on your ideas and what you want to do in your college. At the end of the day, the college is your second home, and your second city where you are living, to sum up your ideas and ethics,” said Angelica Guerra, senior graphic design major.
“I think it's important to vote in the USGA election because it gets your voice out into the open in the school and you can choose things that you want to happen on campus, and you can get your opinion heard in the USGA," said Colby Holbrook, senior Environmental Science.
“It’s important to vote in the USGA elections for the same reasons that it's important to vote in the regular, like presidential and your local congress, elections. So you're able to vote for people who are actually going to make the change that you want to see on campus," said Abby Leep, senior criminal justice major.
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