We talked to NSU students about the value of different types of personal relationships, asking:
Are friends more beneficial than significant others?
- “Your relationship with friends is more important. In the end, you can live a whole life without having a significant other, but you cannot make it anywhere without friends,” said Alex C., senior computer science major.
- “Your relationship with friends might be more important and better because friendships can last forever and relationships can come and go. Choose your friends because they were there for you before,” said Samantha I., freshman psychology major.
- “Friends are more important because in the end, it depends on how long you’ve known them for. If you knew the friends before the significant other, then it’s more of an obligation to stay closer to them than the significant other,” said Alden B., junior biology major.
- “Both. It is important to build your relationship with your significant other, and you can always turn to them when you need anything, but you can also do the same with a friend. You never know who you will meet along the way,” said Sh’Niyah F., sophomore business marketing major.
- “Friends. With a significant other, you have just one friend that is more important than the others, who you grow and have a tighter relationship with, but the more friends you get along the way makes you feel like your home is getting bigger and bigger,” said Ryan P., freshman finance major.
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