Mike Lynn

Headshot of NSU alum Michael Lynn.Michael Lynn is the Assistant Director of Student Media and a NSU alumni with a Master of Arts in Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences, earned in 2022. He also earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a Journalism concentration from NSU in 2020 and a former member of the President’s 64. He formerly worked at NSU’s Writing and Communication Center as a Graduate Assistant Coordinator from May 2020 to December 2021. He completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication with a journalism focus in May 2020 at NSU and formerly worked at NSU’s student-run television station SUTV as station manager from June 2016 through May 2020. He also hosted the STUEY Awards in 2020 and 2021, as well as volunteered at NSU’s student-run radio station Mako Radio during his undergraduate career.

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