Campus Life

Finding the best study spots at NSU

By Maya Totev •   Jonathan Quiroz, freshman biology major, said he likes the communal living rooms in Commons for studying because…

An introduction to NSU Athletics

By Santiago Diaz Finochietto • It was only 41 years ago, under former university president Abraham S. Fischler, that NSU’s athletic program…

Setting up your space

By Brielle Aguayo • Residential living can be a transitional period for incoming students, as many will be living on their own…

Easy and healthy dorm recipes

By Ashley Diaz • Many students experience the “Freshman 15,” in which they gain 15 pounds during their freshman year, because they…

Being in The President’s 64

By Alex Hernández • Joining The President’s 64 was a defining experience in my academic journey. This unique opportunity provided a platform…