What is the President’s 64, what discarded item upset the delicate ecosystem in Carlsbad Caverns, and why are Greek statues so often nude? Find out in this episode of “That’s News to Us,” featuring NSU staff member Daren Capirchio, Director of Student Leadership and Civic Engagement, and student members of the President’s 64: Sri Vaishnavi Konagalla, Nabiha Atiquzzaman, and Jessica Cherniak.
“That’s News to Us” is Mako Radio’s news quiz show, where guests compete in games built around current and wacky news. It is a collaboration between Mako Radio, housed in NSU’s Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts, and NSU’s Writing and Communication Center.
Producers: Dr. Eric Mason, Gabby Alvarado, Amaia Flores
Faculty Guest: Daren Capirchio
Student Guests: Sri Vaishnavi Konagalla, Nabiha Atiquzzaman, and Jessica Cherniak
Engineer: Mike Lynn
This segment was part of College Radio Day, 2024, for which Mako Radio was selected as the Florida State Headquarters out of more than 150 college and community radio stations. See links to the entire day’s special programming below:
- Kick-Off
- “Let’s Talk About It” Election Dialogue
- Nature Club, Epsilon Eta Sigma, and Green Sharks
- Dr. Ron Chenail and Dr. Kevin Dvorak
- From Page to Stage
- That’s News to Us, Episode 9
- The B-Side, Episode 11
- Digressions Literary and Art Journal
- Media Literacy
- Cultural Protest Anthems
- Music During Wartime
- Artists and Public Images
- Sign-Off
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